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How Does IPL Work for Dry Eyes?

Close-up of woman's face with red eye. Swollen eyelids, irritation, and itching of eyes caused by dry eye syndrome.

If you’re one of the millions grappling with the discomfort of dry eyes, it’s understandable to seek real relief. Dry, itchy, irritated eyes can significantly impact daily life, from blurry vision to difficulty staring at screens or performing routine tasks. That’s where OptiLight Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy comes in, a cutting-edge, FDA-approved treatment offering […]

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How Often Should You Get an Eye Exam for Contacts?  

Snellen chart and closeup of woman's eye on white background, banner design.

Wearing contact lenses offers a convenient alternative to glasses, but it’s essential to monitor your eye health regularly. If you wear contact lenses, you should get an eye exam at least once a year. Regular exams make certain that your prescription is accurate, your eyes stay healthy, and you avoid complications like infections or dry […]

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How Long Does Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Last?

A woman working at a computer rubs her dry eyes as she experiences irritation from meibomian gland dysfunction.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is an eye condition that affects many Americans. MGD occurs when the meibomian glands in your eyelids either become blocked or can’t produce as much oil as your eyes need to stay moisturized and nourished. If left untreated, MGD can significantly contribute to dry eye symptoms.  MGD tends to be chronic […]

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OptiLight by Lumenis

Are You Struggling with Dry Eyes? You rely on your vision every day, but irritating dry eye symptoms can get in the way of living life to its fullest. Not only are dry eyes uncomfortable, but they can also impact your job performance, make daily tasks increasingly difficult, and so much more.  Our optometry team […]

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