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Category: Contact Lenses

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Are Contact Lens Prescriptions The Same As Glasses?

Against a pink background, a young adult with curly hair holds up a pair of glasses in one hand and contacts in the other

Many people who wear eyeglasses consider adding contact lenses to their routine or switching outright. With this switch, many people mistakenly think their current glasses prescription is transferable to contact lenses. However, contact lens prescriptions differ from glasses prescriptions because contact lenses sit directly on the eye and require different measurements to best correct your […]

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How Often Should You Get an Eye Exam for Contacts?  

Snellen chart and closeup of woman's eye on white background, banner design.

Wearing contact lenses offers a convenient alternative to glasses, but it’s essential to monitor your eye health regularly. If you wear contact lenses, you should get an eye exam at least once a year. Regular exams make certain that your prescription is accurate, your eyes stay healthy, and you avoid complications like infections or dry […]

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